anime merchandise distributor:A live-action film adaptation of Akira Hiramoto's Yarisugi Companion to Atashi Monogatari (The Story of the Over-the-Top Companion and Me) gag comedy manga has been green-lit for a September release. The "ultimate erotic comedy" revolves around Yarisu, an eager 18-year-old novice "companion" (hostess) who works at a hot spring town. Trouble ensues on her first gig, and when she falls into the hot spring, her body suddenly "transforms."
Maaya Morinaga will play Yarisu. The rest of the cast includes Manami Marutaka (Shizuka), Emi Itō (Roppongi), and Momoko Tani (Keiko). The crew will start shooting the film in June entirely on location.
Kodansha's Young Magazine promoted the story as its "most shameful" title, and the publisher printed one volume of the manga in 2008. Hiramoto also wrote the award-winning supernatural drama manga Me and the Devil Blues, which Del Rey published in North America. Another Hiramoto work, the gag manga Ago Nashi Gen to Ore Monogatari, was adapted into anime for the mobile phone streaming service BeeTV in December.