One Piece Film Strong World, Munehisa Sakai and Toei Animation's 10th film in the One Piece anime franchise, will ship on Blu-ray and DVD in Japan on August 27 with new scenes added at the request of creator Eiichiro Oda. Unlike on previous films, Oda had personally overseen the new film's production last year. He also collaborated on the film's story and designs for the costumes and creatures.
In addition to the standard editions on DVD and Blu-ray, the film will have 10th Anniversary Limited Editions in both formats. The limited editions will each bundle an extras DVD with a color design collection as well as footage from the preview screening after the film's completion and the in-theater guest appearances on the film's opening day. The main disc will contain the teaser trailers, the full trailers, the television commercials, and other elements.
The limited editions will also bundle a "tone-dialing" voice keyholder, a deck of special Strong World playing cards, and a bendable "Gum-Gum" ("Gomu-Gomu") pencil.
source:crazy anime wholesale