The Sci Fi television network in the United States will premiere Bandai Entertainment's English dubbing of the Mobile Suit Gundam 00 anime series with two episodes tonight at 11:00 p.m. ET/PT. The series provides a new interpretation of the Gundam robot war mythology that is set in our own real-world history. In this wartorn future, mankind has splintered into three major factions over energy resources. However, a group known as the Celestial Being aims to eradicate war with four giant robotic mecha known as Gundams and their Gundam Meister pilots. Fullmetal Alchemist's Seiji Mizushima directed this series with scripts supervised by Honey and Clover's Yousuke Kuroda. Loveless and Earthian manga creator Yun Kouga designed the original characters, which Basilisk's Michinori Chiba adapted for animation.
The first 25 episodes aired from October of 2007 to April of 2008 in Japan, and the second season premiered in Japan last month. Bandai Entertainment will release DVDs of the anime in North America next year.